Sunday, July 7, 2013

First event of the new season: Morris-Jumel Mansion!

Saturday, October 12, 2013
11 a.m.
FREE community performance 
Morris-Jumel Mansion

Underworld Productions Opera is proud to announce our third annual performance at the CAFe. We are back with our talented young singers bringing you music for a relaxing Saturday at the Mansion.

On the program are arias by Mozart, Donizetti and Puccini and songs from The Sound of Music, Les Miz, and more.

UPO is first in the line-up!  Come hear us and stay for lunch al fresco on the Mansion lawn.



Isabella Florin, Soprano
Heather Gerban, Mezzo-soprano
Raymond Storms, Countertenor

Radoslav Lesay, Tenor

Barry Robinson, Baritone